Liam Gallagher’s high profile return has already encompassed life-affirming live shows, over 12 million streams of lead track ‘Wall Of Glass’, and the recent ‘Chinatown’, which Rolling Stone compared to the Oasis classic ‘Champagne Supernova’. Liam’s next step towards the October 6th release of his debut solo album ‘As You Were’ comes with the brand new track ‘For What It’s Worth’. Produced by Dan Grech-Marguerat, ‘For What It’s Worth’ was written by Liam with Simon Jons. Liam’s iconic vocal captures the power and emotion required to deliver the kind of towering, anthemic chorus that his voice is built for. “I wanted to write an apology,” says Liam. “Not to one person, but to everyone, because I’m no good at saying sorry. That song is a tune.” Liam wrote or co-wrote almost every song that features on ‘As You Were’. In addition to Dan Grech-Marguerat, other key collaborators include Greg Kurstin, Andrew Wyatt of Miike Snow, and Michael Tighe. One of the most striking aspects of the album is that all the songs have a purpose. There’s no flab, nothing to cut. They all feel directed at something or someone, setting the record straight or getting his side of the story over. “I didn’t want to be reinventing anything or going off on a space jazz odyssey,” he says. “It’s the Lennon ‘Cold Turkey’ vibe, The Stones, the classics. But done my way, now.”