Why Renewd? Highest refurb quality in pristine condition Extensive check-up on 83 points by certified Premium Service Provider Only 100% original Apple parts Guaranteed technical functionality Always updated with latest iOS software 24-month warranty Durable & unique Renewd retail packaging Original charger, data cable and sim card pin included Quality Control: Due to the strictest quality control in the market we guarantee devices of the highest quality Step 1: General Check• Find my iPhone/Active iCloud account• Simlock and country of origin• Missing or stolen devices Step 2: Cosmetic Check• Check for scratches, dents, and user traces• Start-up to consider pink screen Step 3: Technical Check• Split screens• Liquid damage• Internal check Step 4: AST 2 Diagnostics• All critical facets (83)• Repair and warranty history Step 5: Registration• Picture of each device• Description of all cosmetic damage Warranty: Our devices come with a 24 month warranty.Should you experience any difficulties with your device, Renewd offer a pan-European returns service. Go to www.renewd.com/warranty and follow the steps. Once completed Renewd will collect and return the device to you.